How to deal with a manager who is a bully?
I have worked with a manager who is a bully.He has little to no knowledge of work and randomly throws work at people (doesn't understand their capabilities).He has unrealistic expectations of deliverables timeline.And is in "Yes Sir" Mode with customer and higher management.If anyone tried to decline what he has suggested on basis of logic or even tried to suggest alternate approach,he makes their life living hell.In casual talks and team connect offline, he boasts about his power and reach and has many times stated that if anyone crosses him he has made their life (professional and personal) a living hell. He most of the time does not work and cal be literally found loitering at the pan tappri but tells his senior he was working for hours together on an issue .He wouldn't support (until its to show higher management that he is supporting team).He has unrealistic expectations to work till 3-4am in the morning to complete the work and then expects to resume work 9am.This happens a lot often.Will not approve leaves.If someone takes leave without his approval he loops in HR and upper management showcasing that team is not working.Expects to work on holidays in similar fashion.Working under or with him , everything is urgent and important every day.
How would you have handled such a person at work?