Background: Its my first job, and I have been working in the company for about 8 months. My work has been gaining recognition from seniors, overall the company is happy with my work. My team is also pretty happy to work with me and they themselves are fun to work with. Except one.
Context: Since my work has been going well, this particular person has been making slight remarks and backhanded compliments for the past few months, to the point where they make wrong negative assumptions about why I say or do things.
We've been put on a project together, and whenever I ask for assistance or share my thoughts, this person goes out of their way to make disgusted faces and try to act as if they know much better (trust me they dont!) by saying fancy jargons and talking down, trying to take control of the project.
I love my work, and that's what I want to focus on, but this toxic environment really hampers my focus. (I guess it could be intentional)
I dont want to go running to HR or managers, and handle this on my own. I doubt talking to this person will have any effect.
What can I do to keep a calm mind and navigate this situation? Maybe even stick it to them in the process?