Top level politics
Does all the MNCs, including FAANG, have politics involved at the top management?
Asking for a friend 🙂
I think there is a nexus between some of our top management executives. How do I decipher the nexus between them and tread them carefully? What are the tips and recommendations you can share with me based on your experience?
Does all the MNCs, including FAANG, have politics involved at the top management?
Asking for a friend 🙂
Recently promoted to team lead. Finding it hard to balance between being friends with former peers and maintaining authority. Any tips from experienced managers?
The biggest conundrum is that everyone claims to not indulge in politics but are sure that there exists politics in companies. Just goes on to show that you have to be extra careful with your colleagues, they aren’t your friends. You’ll ...
Hey folks on Grapevine, could use your help.
Managing up: Super poor at this. Never meet the skip boss either. Anyone know what’s the right way to crack managing up and accelerate up the career ladder 🪜 without seeming like a blatant ...