
How true is this?

How does the market demand for product managers in the short term? Do you guys see any reduced demand for the role? Difficult to find any openings or difficulty in clearing the interviews?

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12mo ago

Demand reduces as more team and companies become experienced and learn what it means to work on digital products. Like your EM being concerned about impact of story and and ensuring sprints planning and executions is done well. Product designer taking more ownership into seeing their design built, tested and released and monitor performance. Other functions understanding how org prioritised building of the digital products and making efforts for their case etc...

In a small under 100 org, you may not need PMs, but larger ones does need. PMs per org will see a decrease as every business is trying to be leaner. Anay increase in jobs will only be from more companies being in play.


Why would there be a need for PM for orgs > 100 if there's not much demand in < 100 orgs. The bigger orgs could also do by having many small lean teams right? I feel like eventually only PM would be required only from strategic point of view


Staffing is the job for founders to figure out.

See, there are many ways to do things and each has their own pros and cons. None of them is ideal or "perfect". Someone takes a educated tradeoff call and goes on a certain way. Hopefully its done with their and team's skillsets or urgency of expertise in mind.


Definitely No. It just got hyped in B2C and the hype is going down now.


Scrum master scrotal sack

  1. Not every product needs a product manager. Most open source products do great without PMs. It was just a lot of project management roles that were renamed to Product Managers and the resultant PMs added 0 value.

  2. There is too much supply. There are so many PM schools that have come in last few years. Every 3rd person who works in a product startup thinks they can become a PM.

Bubble will burst, project management will go back to being project management. But PMs who really add value, who can take a product from 0 to 1/1 to 100 will always be valuable


PM role was created to be a bridge between customer, tech and design, even if tech and design could coordinate you will always need someone to understand customer needs and deliver requirements. Small orgs can have management directly delivering requirements but as the size grows this becomes very difficult.

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