
HRs Exposed!!!

Story time- When I left my last organization, I was really pissed and hence released all my anger in the exit interview. Told everything - the politics, loop holes, what needs to be changed, etc.

Now 2 months down, I got to know from a colleague that the same HR who took my exit interview, asked my ex manager, "ISKA FnF CLEAR KARNA HAI KYA, YA OR KHEECHE THODA? "

Yup, she said that. My ex manager was good enough to not entertain it and asked her to clear it ASAP. But the audacity of the HR!!!!!!

I so feel like mentioning the company and THE HR'S NAME but let it be. I am sure with such practices, she ain't going anywhere.

Share your dark HR stories below!👇

17mo ago

Exit interviews are formalities and treat it as such.


Irrespective. Who gave this authority to HRs to play with people's hard earned money?


Life is not fair. Get on with it


Exit interview template for Indian companies

It was really nice working with the company, I enjoyed it and learned stuff I would like to wish the company best of luck in its future endeavors.

Do you have any complains ? -> No , why would i have complains


Result :- Receive your FnF in time and then you can spill the reality on social media specifically glassdoor and upvote that with another glassdoor account and another and another


Hahaha, crazyyy🤣🤣


This is correct


The HR has deliberately put things like “his performance was average” in the experience letter. I didn’t even had a fight during exit process. I just responded strongly over emails and asked for clarifications wherever needed. His fragile ego was so hurt that he relied on these tactics and when I again asked for clarification, was trying to threaten to make it even worse.

Just because you are in a position to do that, don’t think you will have this luxury all the time. When you do wrong to people, karma will catch up and put you on the receiving end very soon!!


Amen bro. These HRs really need to chill


Lol these HRs think they run the show and are in illusion that they have some power lol sure


Never ever do that. Never let your emotions take over in any corporate setting. Not even during informal events. If you have a concern, raise it politely and escalate it. If not addressed, start looking for an alternative option/job. Nobody likes whiners, regardless of whether they are right or wrong.

Life is unfair. Keep your expectations low from other people. It'll make life very easy.


We need strong labour laws if they don't clear dues in 1 month take action, fine the company They will release the due very next morning But my govt is AH


This is half side of the story It could be he did some sort of fraud or some issues with his performance

Usually Hr are just the communication folks


No bro, the HR did it because her little ego got hurt and she just wanted to bother me by stretching the FnF timeline.


Don’t think this is entirely true. In my case and from my perspective, I believe they wanted their ego to be massaged and sort of be treated like they have done a favor by doing what’s legally they are bound to.


HRs are hired to do the dirty work. Just like every other job, there are a few, very good ones who actually try to be 'human' but they are taken to task and not allowed to climb the success ladder, which is also true for almost every profession in this world. Corrupt and devious people rule.


This incident tells everything about the culture. But I'd say always leave company on good terms. You may cross paths again. In the exit interview, balance your words with little positivity too. My ex managers and HRs have helped me with reference, career advice, form 16 (they forgot to provide, I asked 3 days before 31st July and he helped me without need of a 2nd phone call)


Atleast tell us the company.....everything anonymous plus you received your fnf now


I used to think the same, that whenever quit the company, just complain about everything wrong, expose everyone blah blah blah, but then, HR or someone else would try to get back on you with FnF or experience letter. Lets assume that its not even about experience letter or FnF, then even if you complain and raise the issues, either the company would remain same and nothing changes(wouldn’t affect you, as you’re leaving, or even if the complaints are addressed, still wouldn’t affect you, as you’ve made up your mind to leave and most likely have a better offer from somewhere else.

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