
HSBC India shitshow

A friend used to work as AVP at HSBC’s credit analyst team in Bangalore Office. Apparently, one of the female AVPs loves gossiping and went around the office saying our guy doesnt work at all and is shitting on a crucial project. When reported to the lead VP, he failed to take any action.

Upon threatening intimation to HR, the lady got wind of the whole situation and calls up our guy applogising and stuff. But the back bitching doesnt stop and this time our guy ends up leaving the toxic workplace.

No cookies for guessing who’s in line for promotion next.

Other reported incidents against which no actions were take

  1. making juniors cry
  2. deleting teams billable hours without informing anyone
  3. not informing about leaves and then creating chaos over non completion of work

and the show is just getting started….

25mo ago

It's true for many organisations especially MNCs where there is a push for diversity at senior levels.


I don't understand how these guys end up this high on the ladder with shit like this.


One rotten apple. Ass licking can get you father than hardwork with these people


What's that saying? The top 25% leave for better opportunities, the bottom 25% are forced out and the middle 50% climb the ladder. True everywhere. This is just one of the variations.


There are such women in every org. They dont even know their own subject but somehow get to C level. Such poor knowledge that surely their qualification has to be checked. They start back biting, spreading rumors, treating workplace like their kitchen garden - most unprofessional, nil culture. But they not only survive - they drive out all merit list candidates. Surely they will go to HELL


Shit attracts shit till it doesn’t.

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Workplace Toxicity at HSBC

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Top comments

Good that she reported it. Such things are shrugged as usual banter, though people don't understand how deeply they c...


how the hell is this under POSH ?


This should be sent to HSBC’s global HR. Such pathetic people should be banned from getting a job in any company anyw...