I hate what has become of whatsapp
WhatsApp is now filled with businesses sending messages about things i really dont care about. I hate that it has become completely filled with bots.
Marking a bussiness account as spam doesn't really work, you just get the spam through another message.
It freaking blows my mind that people still like and use it?
If I wanted this much clutter I would have just used messages with RCS.
I wish hike would just cone back
I sincerely wish people would move to something else.
2mo ago3.6K3.6K views
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I realised that this is a problem with India, not WhatsApp per se. I have an old USA number that I have WhatsApp on, and an India number too. Only the India number gets hit with business spam.
That said, is WhatsApp the primary/default texting channel in USA?
Agreement noises!!!! 🤝
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