Mental Well-being
by SquishyPenguinConsultant

Mental stress relief program for employees

Thinking about starting a program in companies to help employees regularly relieve the stress they get while working. Was thinking of specialised rage rooms, calm rooms etc but also needed your suggestions based on your experience.

Mental Well-being
by PeppyDonutPWC

Life is so unpredictable :/

My wife works in a leading private bank as a Deputy Manager (front desk)

A fraud happened in May 2024 where the fraudster came to the branch and tells ‘Can you please let me know the charges on my account xyz’

My wife by mistakenly wi...

Top comments

I don't understand how someone can give me my account balance without even verifying my identity?


I think she is being made a scapegoat


Man, the banking sector has got to be the most toxic, soulless, gut-wrenching industry ever. All my uncles work in ba...

Mental Well-being
by SleepyCupcakeCred

grief is isolating, the journey needn't be

Death feels final. Grief is the journey that follows.

We often struggle with words—expired, passed away, the body—trying to avoid the weight of loss. And when grief hits, the world tells us to “be strong” or “move on.”

But grief isn’t ...

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Mental Well-being
by SwirlyBiscuitSenior Actuarial Consu...

Dealing with work anxiety!

Hi everyone, I’ve been struggling with work anxiety lately, and it’s starting to affect my daily life. Whether I have a lot of work or very little, I wake up feeling anxious every morning. It feels unbearable to be alone, so I always nee...

Mental Well-being
by DancingBagelCred

Has anybody actually handled their anxiety well?

Have had low to moderate anxiety for some time now. It was at it's peak in 2021 when I joined a new job and had imposter's syndrome.

Over time, it evolved to becoming a being out anxiety. Whenever I step out, have to travel, or somethin...

Top comments

I have never come out of my stage fear. Like I will be so confident one moment but the moment I am asked to speak in ...


Keeping urself busy in random stuff to 'forget' anxiety temporarily works... But what actually fixes it is when u get...


Bhai Bhai Ditto, i have had issues with Anxiety since forever but yes it was actually noticeable when i started worki...

Mental Well-being

Dealing with the anxiety

It's been 3-4 years now and I'm dealing with severe anxiety, I don't wanna take help of medicines I don't know what to do I can't help myself !! People suggested yoga, mediation, activities but as a person dealing with the anxiety I don'...
