I turned down a job at a unicorn startup to stick with my stable corporate gig. Now they've IPO'd and I'm kicking myself. What 'playing it safe' decision do you regret the most?

Back in 2018, I had an offer from a fast-growing fintech startup. The salary was lower, the hours looked brutal, and the whole thing seemed risky. I chose to stay at my comfortable Big Tech job instead. Fast forward to now: that startup just went public, and early employees are instant millionaires. Meanwhile, I'm still grinding away at the same desk, wondering "what if?" Has anyone else passed up a high-risk, high-reward opportunity for security? How do you cope with the regret?

3mo ago
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What if you took the startup job, worked your ass off, with low salary and brutal hours and then faced severe stress or anxiety.

It all comes down to your mindset and the choices you make. It wasn't the wrong choice, not when you were in that moment. Choosing to stay in a comfortable corporate job gives you job security, comfort and breathing space.

So i would suggest that you do not regret the decision of not taking the startup job. Cheers


There is always going to be some or the other regret. But don’t regret not making money from the decision. That’s the wrong regret to have. If you don’t like the work and startup grind, but get paid well, then you would have regretted taking the startup job.

But if you have another chance find a startup doing good in an area of your interest and take a leap of faith.


Didnt join rephrase.ai back in 2019, instead another startup as 1st employee that failed


I turned down an interview offer for IPAC when Prashant Kishor had just launched it lol. Also turned down interview from BJP IT cell.

Could have been a very different life, but no regrets. I made the best decision given the circumstances. So did you.

There will be many more opportunities down the road. Don't kick yourself over just one.

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