If you are WFH, what chair are you using?
Open for suggestions. Budget - 10k to 15k
Just received Greensoul Zodiac Pro, hope it won’t disappoint 😬
If you can, please return it. Bought it two years ago and it was great in the beginning but I can't use it without extra cushions for the lower back now. Green soul may make good gaming chairs but this sucks. Better off getting a chair from the sleep company
Everything depends on your posture actually, I didn’t buy Gaming chair, bought Ergonomic chair, looks fine for me. I’ve managed with plastic chair for 3 years, this should be fine.
You guys are using chairs??
Oh wait, I don't code sad tears
I use this chair: https://www.amazon.in/-/en/gp/aw/d/B0BZPJQ2X2?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title
Not WFH anymore, but it is the best I used so far. Pretty sturdy.
You need a chair with good lumbar support. That's what makes a chair good.
Featherlite Opus is a great one ~13.5k
Featherlite Amaze is ~9k but has next to no lumbar support. Pairing it with a nice lumbar support cushion (available on Amazon for ~1.5k) makes it great.