How's things at Innovaccer?
Wanted to know about the current company direction and growth. Especially any more layoff scenarios?
Glassdoor says it's the nice circle of hell, but I would love to hear some stories from the community. Looking at a role with them.
BIG NO, they don’t layoff people they do force resignation ! My friends were there though people are cool but as a company and policy it’s worst no point joining there.
@BeanCounter did you end up joining them? If yes, how has it been so far?
No, did not join. Received multiple negative feedbacks.
Thanks, can you share some with me if possible
They had a layoff some time back so that talks about culture one way
Please tell me about it, as I am going to work there have received an offer for sales there
Wanted to know about the current company direction and growth. Especially any more layoff scenarios?
I'm considering a role as an SDE-3 at Innovaccer and would love to hear about others' experiences. How is the work culture, the team dynamics, and the overall environment? Any insights on the projects and technologies you get to work on?...
Joining innovaccer next month as SDE-1, hopefully it will be a good learning experience.
Anything that is important to know before joining the company.