
Interview Rant

I have applied to a company for ASDE backend role, where they have already re-scheduled the interview twice so far. How many times can they re-schedule before it becomes unacceptable? They didn’t even told me the reason and HR always seems to be in a hurry while informing about the re-schedule never giving the time to ask the reason. This morning they called to be present at the interview and then after 2 hours they just called for reschedule (2nd time). Although I can’t complain since I am also desperate to get the job but there should be some limit. Am I overthinking or it is normal or is it going hayway.

Update: The interview was rescheduled for today, 5 minutes into the meeting, panel didn’t joined. HR called and told that they need to move up the interview, at this point I feel like they are doing this just for fun.

3mo ago
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I think you should look elsewhere my dude. Seems like they don't respect your time as an interviewee, they sure as shit won't respect your time as an employee.


Ya will do if I get any other offer, but don't have any interview coming up or offer as of now. But it feels very frustrating, anyway thanks for the tip I also think the same, if they don't value our time now, I can only imagine how would they treat their employees.

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