
Is anyone working in Hyderabad, Chennai, Bangalore or any cities in South?

Is anyone from North Indian and West Bengal working here in south India? If yes, please comment in this post, how are you guys are managing with the language and people seriously. They don't even translate what they are speaking, when they want or if you ask they will just tell you in one sentence or topic. Even if they know english or very broken hindi. I am asking them to speak in hindi but at least in English they can communicate na? when you are attending client calls in English and dreaming to go onsite then why not communicate with us in English ? I started hating this state so suffocating. Just staying here because i have my family and leaving the state is just not an option. People should understand yaar.

4mo ago
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In general, I never faced such scenarios. I think it totally depends on the people around. Most of them were actually nice. Try to change friends and see;)


lucky you. And friends seriously??? You have friends here? I had only one but then my project got changed. I am introvert and was working separately though in hybrid mode but small chit chats are fine. But after 1.5 years I got a team I was happy thought I would have people around me but then it basically turned out to be alien in a team.

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