Day by day we are seeing lot of negative news from one or the other reputed companies (Politics, toxicity).
Getting into software role is gamble these days or coming (cuz... we Beggar cant be chooser). Things from here are likely to change for some of the person surely.
There are folks preaching patience is the key, but likely talks about ethics and empathy they follow or do. (**atitude prevails)
Everyone is planning to make others fool or control. People are working to show case and make himself secure in his role and he'll do whatever he can for it. and Even your leader have no autonomy but pushing to toxic chasing. (lack of vision **fooling)
Remind me once a scar or experience hit you, you never forget it. You can choose to ignore and not talk about and move to other glorification of comparing package later in next org.
I am not sure how many time such timeline have came in IT in past 30 years. But definitely the problems of today is different with diff pace and Zero empathy or ethics. cuz no one cares.