Java full stack developer to data engineer
Please answer below doubts
- Already know AWS, sql, java and some other software engineering stuff so how much prerequisite I need for this switch
- will my package start where I left in software engineering role or I will be treated as freshers and will be given same package as freshers are getting will my software engineering experience will be count or not as currently I am having 8 year of experience and getting close to 30+ LPA

Hey, can you please explain why you are switching from Java to data engineer. Thanks

If go back some year ago their was a spectate role of devops which was introduced after some year this new branch from software development start merging again and now every developer is working on devops skills with software development same as now this new field of data science is becoming popular will their is a chance of getting merge in software development similar case we see with devops if this is the case shall I learn some data science stuff because of emerging AI tools will be used to write code faster due to which job of a developer can be replaced so if a person is having development and data science knowledge will be hard to replace

And here i am trying to switch to java from data engineering