
Job switch prepration strategy

Brief about me - I have around a year of experience working as a Frontend developer, primarily with ReactJS.

Its been some time since I touched the basics and tbh I've not given time to it earlier also (i switched fields and prepare in around 8 months mostly doing DSA and Frontend development)

I am looking for advice to for the preparation strategy to move to new job, I am looking for roles in frontend/Full stack development.

Please tell me the essentials I should have under my bag and some of the things to give my resume an edge

Thank you.

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10mo ago
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In my opinion, the first step is to revisit your basics. JavaScript, HTML, CSS - these are your bread and butter. Next, dive deeper into ReactJS, understand its nuances. DSA is important, but don't ignore the practical aspects. Build a strong portfolio of projects, it's your proof of expertise. Update your resume, highlight your achievements and skills. Lastly, never stop learning. Tech is a fast-paced field, stay updated. Networking is key, it opens doors. Remember, you're as good as your skills, not your resume. Good luck!

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