
Juicy Tales from the Water Cooler: What is the craziest thing you overheard at work?

Looking forward to your answers. Here’s my bizarre story. 😂

Something that happened a few years ago but let me assure you all, one of the craziest stories ever.

I was working out of office that day and I hear two folks chatter. So, I stand up to see beyond my cubicle.

A Senior and his Junior are talking. Since, I was due for a break, I decided to sit and listen from my cubicle.

The junior is talking about one of her direct reportees. He was a new joiner at the company and had moved cities. Apparently, rather than cooking at home he used to order food every meal.

This messed up his stomach. So when he was at office one day, he wanted to go to the washroom. But, on his way a very senior VP paused him to congratulate this guy on a client feedback for his first project.

Poor fellow, couldn’t hold it in anymore and dashed to the washroom but he was too late. The entire men’s washroom floor was smeared with watery diarrhoea. 🤢

Apparently, it had already been a couple of weeks since then and very few people knew about this. But by now, some people along with me had overheard this story being narrated.

And OMGG, the office slack channel started going wild with GIFs and memes being dropped like crazy. 🤪😂

And now this memory is imprinted in the minds of everyone at the office, just like that shit stain on the washroom floor. 😶‍🌫️😂

23mo ago

The craziest thing I overheard was my manager talking to another manager about one of our coworkers potentially getting fired. It was weird when that person actually got fired. I behaved like I knew nothing


@ElomDusk Did you wonder if you should’ve warned them before?


I was too scared to admit that I overheard the other convo. Firing is scary


Lol, keywords to search on slack?

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