kitna cringe ai photo ha yuuk

because it works because they know people will share screenshots and talk about it

Am thanking god, because till now there is no article, saying 10 management lessons you can learn from the green uniform

then why reshare it here... and just unfollow them

This person created this post on LinkedIn for some engagement farming.
You are resharing it here for online brownie points
Not much difference if you ask me

Shitty content? It's a reflection of our society's obsession with shallow success. Who's to blame? We all are. Now, what's your contribution to quality content?

This is what scares me about AI

Still can't wrap my head around how this sisinty guy is running a scam show and getting away with it

They're brain dead, it's just they don't know it yet

They wrote a LinkedIn cringe post well knowing it will end up on this community on Grapevine
Hey there, made you famous!