Looking for CTO
Hello everyone, We started a project to help the urban population to access real-time important notifications to make smart decisions each day and........ (something the world can't ignore it, but learn.)
Imagine this, you have access to FM radio, just as a police officer, all time in your hand and you could say anything to the entire Bangalore but only people, whom that information is relevant, will hear you instantly.
Now, imagine everyone has the same superpower of FM radio. And, FM radio and system has ethic code doesn't let you share bad/harmful/hurtful.... All relevant information in sync with all people in the city.
Sorry, this is all I could share for now, There are more on other aspects delivering great uses but I can't. Now, throw me some questions about this.
Is this a want or need? - Finding a single room @5K in HSR layout. Or, vehicles are towed from regular road side parking space😅. Or, searching for a CTO around🤗. (if everyone willing to join as CTO will get notified instantly from this single post on grapevine, it would be magic, right?)🤯
I will check my Gmail larp.web4@gmail.com📥 hoping to find some unconventional passion, commitment for doing the impossible, and funny as I am bored with employee/boys talk. (100% excited, enthusiastic when it comes to ideas, Strategies, team management, caring, development, marketing, inspiration, and building.) BTW, hiring is on for major roles. The current tech lead is a good person, smart, intelligent just not enough experienced for fast paced delivery and he agreed for it.
Ok...let's assume u build the product.
What's ur GTM strategy?
I assume, u will bring some subscription or ad based revenue strategy...do u think people will opt for it when fb group, WhatsApp and telegram is there!
Three GTM✅ Startegies in place. Plus there is something that will serve b2b, b2c and even the government. It will have a category for an official national distribution social tool. But you don't have to worry about such basic questions.
Why will people pay for it? ✅ Done. We have such important notifications and *****, you will pay 30 monthly for it. Trust me on this, I really can't reveal. You will feel happy and good by paying Rs. 30 for exchange of information/help/support worth in thousands.
Looks good.
Government already have this tool I guess free of cost by cert
But yeah...for general public u can create such product...like public app or my neta app.
Marketing and Freemium to Premium conversion will be the key.
Good luck 🤞
If all goes well till pmf I am ready to fund at early stage and give some guidance/consultanncy!
I appreciate this Idea I already planned to work on it but domain was a specific it will be successful there's a market demand for this
Tik Tok for Citi guys
Trust you haven't understood the platform yet. Anyway, I haven't shared a lot. If you want to join startup, then apply else thanks for commenting "tiktok for city guys😝🤣😭". It hurts. Our value is degree of importance and theirs is engagement.
What's ur credentials bdw like education bg, yoe and any startup history?
He has done a few freelancing projects related to web development. He has less idea for native application development, choosing the right architecture, tech stack, framework to go with, and experience at making less buggy. CTO will increase delivery speed by his experience to choose the right one, making better decisions for our unique requirements and being self reliant.
We like to keep the team small, and few interns to do tasks. 4-7 people.
4-7 people is a big tech team for early startups. My team of 2 engineers does 200k in ARR. Our shipping velocity is pretty decent too - atleast 1 mid-sized feature and sometimes a large one every week.
200K is the same as 2L annual, right? IG, it is irrelevant. Look 'execution' at a startup, isn't something you can compromise. The faster the better. It is a simple thing, that keeps startup afloat. Product designer, Backend, frontend, and Database/algo engineer are fundamental for it. I have not even counted myself. Do start something you don't believe and when you do, don't leave any stones unturned.
Bro what kind of weed are you smoking?
Idea ain't that bad...s(he) can pivot anyway
I know. Remember Twitter. It was made to exchange short messages within a group of people to exchange information and thoughts. All social media is full of thoughts, but Information is really rare. On top of that real-time trustful information in today's generative age, you might find needle in haystack but not trusted information. Very soon, you have to pay for it. Because free will get you content not actual information. And the information, the ones I am talking about, is bit different from the news.🤗
If you went to some new place and wanted to buy weed, you will pay 30 just for the information, won't you?🤨😅