
Looking for job opportunities urgently

I am layoff from ibm in month of sept I have 18 year experience inIT and working as project manager and scrum master I am PMP certified pls help if you have any open position for me I will be thankful Thanks Pankaj

4mo ago

Can refer to Eli Lilly if you find any suitable roles in the career page and share the job id


Could you pls share URL so I will apply and share job id

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Product Managers
by CosmicPenguinProduct Manager

LaidOff & open to APM Roles.

I was affected by layoffs. I have worked as a APM for over 1 year and also have pm internship experience. I have been unemployed for 3 months now and can join immediately. Cuurently based out in Mumbai but open to relocation.

Kindly pro...

by SquishyPancakePriceline

Laid Off At Priceline

Hi All,

As part of recent layoffs at Priceline, my job is also impacted.

I have 10 years of experience into program management, project management and scrum master related roles. Location is currently not a constraint for me.
