Looking for Like Minded Individuals for a Startup
I am in search for Serious co-founders. The industry I am planning to build product around is for Mental Health.
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Hey folk! Looking for some referrals for my mental health startup. Have already conducted workshops on stress and anxiety in corporates. Now looking for more new leads.
Hey, can you tell me more about it?
Yeah. So basically work culture affecting the employees mental health. Like stress, work life balance, anxiety and many more. My company provides these services so that there is better work environment and employees are happy and satisfied as well!
I am in search for Serious co-founders. The industry I am planning to build product around is for Mental Health.
Interested people let's catch up. Please don't spam. Let's save eachother times
Hey founders,
I would like to Introducing my startup CuringMind's employee wellbeing program – because success should feel fantastic. it helps by bringing good work-life balance in you team resulting in increased productivity and decrea...