Parents put constant pressure on their child for studies and whole school college life revolved around academics only ie on studies,marks scored in exams etc.Not on holistic development.Many parents have no idea that to it is equally important to have their child learn other things be it arts hobbies etc, go out to play sports with friends, live their childhood,learn to be social, empowering them to take responsibilities, guiding them to grow into a mature person who can take care of himself/herself and them once they grow old but no they restrict their children to studies only.The result is when they grow up doing only one thing ie studies they have no idea how real world works, how to deal with challenges life throw at them that every adult has to face. I could write 1000 words essay on this sole topic from my own experience which I would never wish on anyone.PS- Whatever things that lacked here I had mentioned it is not a rich kid privileges only, even a middle class parent can take out some time to be with their child, talk like a friend and guide them.Every kid needs love and affection along with discipline to grow into a wonderful person.