My first job, what dress does banks have?
I’ll soon be starting my job as Relationship manager in HDFC, what dress code do we need to follow in banks ( mine will be private banking) do polo t shirts work? Or hardcore formal shirts? What about jeans? I did my internship in FMCG they were cool with anything
I see managers wear Formals mostly....may be they have dress code....check out if anything on that is mentioned
Okay I’ll ask the HR
Private banking or relationship management is always about formals. Abroad they even have clear guidelines on color of undergarment, perfumes you may or may not use, facial hair you may or may not get to keep (thankfully no diktat so far on hair elsewhere on the body) etc. I m not kidding since I have worked in investment banking. UBS had this memo leaked where undergarment color n perfume n facial hair all made it to the list
Wow, that’s crazy
Just ask the HR or your hiring manager
How did you land the role ? 🐦
Wear hardcore formals at least on the first day, later maybe ease into a polo t shirt or whatever.
College placements