Boss Takes Credit for My Work
Delivered a project solo, but he presented it as "team effort" to leadership. How to address this?
I've been busting my ass on this project for months. Today in the client call, my manager presented everything as if he did it all! I'm so pissed. How to deal with such managers?
Document everything. Send emails copying higher ups about your contributions
Welcome to corporate life bro. Managers gonna manage
Start looking for new job. No point working under such toxic people
Been there. Use this as motivation to become a better manager yourself
Why suffer silently? Confront him directly. Grow a spine
Delivered a project solo, but he presented it as "team effort" to leadership. How to address this?
I’ve been insufferable at work since 2-3 months now. Total time at my company- 6mo 21 days. Profile - Product Management My engineering team seems to be taking no ownership and always have their brahmastra ready that it didn’t come fro...
I think you should quit unless you have a lot of financial commitments. Its great if you have a good runway for 3-6 m...
Did not read your post at all. Never rage quit. Endure - sharpen your blade and cut once and decisively when the time...
Quit if you have the savings. Start a new. if you do not have savings: 1. Establish some boundaries with y...
I'm working as an APM at a startup for about a year now. I work with another guy who happens to be my senior, PM and both of us report to the director.
Of late, my senior, i.e., the PM has been undermining my work when the two of us a...
You definitely need to talk to the director and share your concerns . Possibly separate out projects and independentl...
I have an onshore counterpart, one level above me. We two are setting up the project and conducting workshops. The problems I have are:
I believe you need to make efforts to get due recognition. If you are critical and she cannot present without you the...