NCR and Delhi pollution 😷
Hearing some chatter about pollution in ncr and Delhi. How bad is it? Any first hand stories ? Also how are the privileged diggaj log of grapevine dealing with it?

Download the Airveda app and see for yourself the AQI on the map. It’s just foggy and stingy. If you’re outside for too long then a headache is guaranteed.

Yup. Can confirm. Had headache the entire day. Was this close to asking my manager for work from home for the sake of productivity. Company already mailed about taking precautionary measures and wearing masks.

Current delhi scene
Me: I am not a smoker Raghu from Roadies: Tu hai, tereko pta nhi hai lekin tu hai

It is very bad. Went to office last week and got intense headache and chest pain. We should get WFH in this situation but tbh no one cares. Delhi people get crushed just because it's a union territory and is in control of both central and state government. The power play and corruption has made Delhi most polluted city in the world.

It's gloomy and brown, bound to get worse

At this point. It’s hopeless. We will all face issues well into old age

Off the charts, literally lol