
Need career guidance

I graduated from SRCC in 2022, post which I dedicated 2 years to UPSC preparation. Unfortunately could not clear. Now I'm looking for job opportunities in management consulting, finance or business management. Would be a great help if anyone could refer. Thanks!

8mo ago

Tough .. go for mba

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by SqueakyWalrusAnalyst

Looking for a lil guidance

I graduated from SRCC in 2022 and devoted two years to preparing for the UPSC CSE. I am now interested in pursuing consultancy roles and would appreciate guidance on CV shortlisting

by SqueakyWalrusAnalyst

Looking for a lil guidance

I graduated from SRCC in 2022 and devoted two years to preparing for the UPSC CSE. I am now interested in pursuing consultancy roles and would appreciate guidance on CV shortlisting, interview tips, and related aspects.

by DizzyBiscuitConsultant

Looking for some guidance

Graduated from NMIMS in 2023- BSc Finance. Interned at some marquee IB firms and startups.

Working at an NBFC in an MD's office role- Strategy Consultant since then.

Having done multiple projects for the company, I now want to switch ...

by WobblyLlamaStudent

I need some guidance!

I just got done with my Masters in International Business from Warwick Business School, UK. I came back to India around a fortnight ago and want to get into management consulting as a fresher.

How can I do so?