Best school in south Bangalore
Looking for best school in south Bangalore.
- Teacher to student ratio should not cross 10.
- Extra circular activities along with academics.
Any suggestions are welcome
I know this is not the place for this but I am new to Hyderabad and have no idea which schools are good. My prior experience with a school was not soo good.
I am looking for a school who give importance to physical activity as much as they give to academics. My daughter will join to 5th class.
Looking for a school in and around Gachibowli area but not specific to Gachibowli .
Your feedback will really help me
Delhi public school considering affordable feees compared to others
Looking for best school in south Bangalore.
Any suggestions are welcome
Hi Guys ,
Any suggestions for a good gym near DLF , Gachibowli , Hyderabad?
Thanks in advance :)
Preferably somewhere in kormangla, indiranagar, hsr and jayanagar.
How do you judge a pres school to be good or bad? What should one look for while selecting it?
A question to all the folks in Hyderabad, can you suggest any good PGs or maybe societies with flats near the 5km radius in Gachibowli region of Hyderabad.
It would be helpful if you could also tell the rent for the respective places. T...