How does it matter to you how much others are investing? I invest in multiple instruments. Anyways, since you asked 65 lakh in stocks, 33 lakh in MF, 11 lakh in NPS, 10 Lakh in PF, 5 Lakh in SSY, 4 Lakh in PPF, 20 lakh in savings banks acc, 15 lakh in chit funds. Going to pull 10 lakh from bank acc towards stocks on Oct 1. Thinking to stop investing in MF further and invest in stocks directly but 17% XIRR track record making me incline towards MF though. NPS is through my employer every month and I invest 50k every year additional for tax saving. I channel all my side incomes towards mutual funds so it is random. SSY regularly 1.5 lakh every year. I like to invest in PPF for 1.5 lakh every year but have not decided this year whether to invest or not. I decided not to buy any more real estate; I have 4 properties among which one is a home I live. I feel managing equity is straight forward and no nonsense.
All the best for your investments. Hire a good CFP or an MFD for MF but don't look up at internet for advice. Most of these anonymous people don't know the ABC of finance.