New Indian parents, What are your problems?
Everyone knows about the relatively young median age we have India. So consequently, we are going to be having a burst of newly weds and their subsequent kids. This would also be a generation where we see both parents working instead of one parent staying home(rent ain't cheap).
So, few questions to new parents who are both working jobs: What were major problems/stressors you faced in early years of parenting ? (Specifically between 0-2 years of age where babies require alot of care)
What parts of early years of parenting strained your work life the most?
What parts of the early years of parenting gave you guys the most joy?
Would love to know more.
- Day care is a big issue. There are so many in all price range. But there is no check among the helpers or teachers there. Each claim to have done a verification but not sure how much they would have done.
- 0 to 4 yrs is the golden age to be with kids. You will end working most of the time and miss out on all good stuff.
- First few years of schooling is very important. If both are working there is no check to find out what shit they teach in school. Some schools have already started brainwashing kids at preschool level. Like "don't burst crackers during Diwali" etc.. unless you want your kids to grow up feminist liberals you cannot outsource knowledge to schools.
- Having grandparents in the house is a blessing. Give up the stupid idea of nuclear family.
Hey, thanks for the reply, small follow-ups
On your first point, how are you finding and evaluating day cares?
And could you expand on what you refer to as the good stuff you miss out on cos of work?
If you are planning to enter day care business it's hyper competitive. There is one for every street in blore. Am not in that business so am not the right person to call it competitive. But when you see playschool and day care being branded as "initiative by IIT-IIM graduates" as a differentiation factor one can safely assume it's hyper competitive.