speciality Coffee
Hi everyone, wanted to get a broader understanding on specialty coffee as a investment opportunity. what are your views on this space and would love to chat more on what are some of the parameters that I should look out for.
Very interesting read: https://assets-global.website-files.com/6410c40c8f9e67469272e6db/663b8fe3aea8f81f4205c200_Decoding-Omnichannel_Strategies-for-D2C-Brands.pdf
Hi everyone, wanted to get a broader understanding on specialty coffee as a investment opportunity. what are your views on this space and would love to chat more on what are some of the parameters that I should look out for.
I have doing a lot research on these D2C brands , these brands are burning VC cash in ads and influncer marketing.
And what just for topline !!
When will the focus or plan to focus on bottomline !!
Are these guys playing for valuati...
How do D2C brands and ad agencies get customer spending data for marketing campaigns and insights for new product launches? Do they generally rely on data provided by research companies like Kantar and Nielsen?