Next thing modi government/india needs to fix is taxation.
Do you agree with current taxation slabs?
Do you agree with current taxation slabs?
Probably the last thing in their bucket list. Expect more cess in the taxes when they win again in a few months.
I agree but i dont understand why are the working class/salaried people like us not uniting against it. This area definitely needs attention or we will keep on loosing good talent from India.
Previously, someone casually remarked that our country boasts a first-world tax system but struggles with third-world infrastructure. We're taxed on our income, pay GST on goods and services, fork out toll fees on highways, face stamp duty when buying property, and even on the interest you get from the savings account. Salaried tax payer is the golden goose for any government that got elected so far. And we are not prioritised because we aren't the majority voting population. In summary, we endure these challenges because our nation is still developing. Dedicated taxpayers already contend with numerous burdens, leaving little energy for further battles. Our best avenue for change lies in electing policymakers who prioritize us with effective policies.
I agree from a personal finance POV. But if we really need the nation to progress, I expect more tax. The government doesn't have that much revenue sources and we aren't gonna develop shit out of air.
This is irregardless of who comes to power, if they want to develop they'll need taxes.
There was a farmers protest that made the rules change or at least loosen abit. Similarly, if the tax paying class unites and if not protest, be vocal on social media in a way that can't be neglected, i belive definitely it will make a change given the election year.
On a lighter note, i might be inspired and pumped up a bit on this after watching Dumb money 😅