
NontechiePM in a Saas start up

Its been 8 months since I have joined my current company. I have previously worked in a B2C PM role. My current company is a data product company and provides services to US companies to send digital and physical notifications to end users. My previous role was much more structured for PM than here. First of all, as business is US based, PM role is more of an order taker. Further, as engineers are experienced, they are not as cooperative as my previous org. Hence, I am in typical PM struggle, responsible for nothing but accountable for everything. Should I build my hard skills like learning sql/analytics or should I work on soft skills like influencing stakeholders etc. I have 7 years of experience in program management role and pure 2 years of PM experience.

19mo ago
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Work on soft skills, build strong relationships with Engg or try switching.


Or should I look for a switch, my last 2 jobs have duration of 1 yr each.

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