Perceptions matter. Loyalties change. Depth shows.
Your “yes” unless it’s a “no” – is taken for granted. No one is going to be more invested in your growth than you.
We overestimate our self-worth. Entitlement is gender, age, demographics, seniority designation, and role agnostic. Power play is real. Ego tripping is real.
You will hear “do as I say” as equally as never hearing “I know it, more than you” even if it’s never said.
Promotion and growth have different meanings to different people. High from salary is short-lived. You make very few REAL friends. Micromanagement is as real as macromanagement.
You need to learn sideways, diagonal, and bottom-up management too.
There is something called as Garden Leave - a practice where an employee who is leaving a job is asked to stay away from work during their notice period, but still receives their pay and benefits