[part 2]- india is getting costlier to travel
Thanks for the amazing response in the first post- https://share.gvine.app/S5af4NsXRUB6WGtk7
Data on Goa tourism, foreign tourist never recovered post covid. This is unfortunate. Tourism can create millions of job and can give real boost to local economy.
Honestly never understood hype for Goa, Probably it's because of cheap liquor and old bollywood movies romanticising it
Post-COVID tourism recovery is slow, it will pick up in a couple of years
India's image getting battered on social media doesn't help with the foreign tourist slowdown either
The American economic situation means a lot of people can't afford vacations like they used to. Plus the wars, and economic slowdown (if not borderline recession) in western Europe, barring Italy
We are headed for a slowdown