Passport renewal
Non locals working in Bangalore with different current and permanent addresses how did you go about for passport renewal, in Blr PSK or hometown PSK? Any suggestions tips and tricks for the renewal application/process?
Folks living BLR on rent with sharing (no rent agreement) but actual address in Delhi. How you got your passport renewed?
Did you went back home or what?
Non locals working in Bangalore with different current and permanent addresses how did you go about for passport renewal, in Blr PSK or hometown PSK? Any suggestions tips and tricks for the renewal application/process?
Did anyone apply for passport renewal using rent agreement? Does it work? Or changing adhaar address is the only way?
Hi I am new to the whole process of creating a passport and want to ask how other people who may have had a use case similar to mine went ahead with getting a passport.
My use case: I have been living on rent in Bangalore since the past...