
PM | Looking for ways to Upskill

Hi everyone.

I have been a PM for last 4.5 years and recently got laid off. I am looking for some courses, certifications or anything to upskill myself until I find another job. It’ll helpful to do something that I can add to my resume in order to justify the gap that’s getting created in between jobs.

Any help would be highly appreciated.


23mo ago
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I hope you’re doing okay. Market scenario is bad and it’s alright no one will really care about the gap.

What kind of skillset you’ve? Do you want to progress towards technical side or design side?

My suggestion should be doubling down on your strength.


Hey, thanks for responding.

While the market scenario is bad- still companies sometimes don’t understand and jump on to judge you.

I am more inclined towards design side. Having said that, sometimes tech is the need in projects. Happy to Upskill on both sides since I have lot of time in hand.

Any good course, places I can use my expertise!

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