PMs and Marketting guys from Swiggy, Zomato, PayTM
F you for sending clickbaity / heartattack inducing notifications, which look like calendar invites, DMs, mentions and other shit.
There's a special place reserved in hell for you.

You folks have notifications on? 🤣

Seeing the quality of their copy in notifications makes me think they hire the least talented individuals for this. And I'm sure these individuals are overpaid and active on LI/Twt with these companies in their bio

Ola is worse. They're all shit. I blame LinkedIn chewtiyas who deepthroated this shit with 'what a wow marketing', wow give them a raise. G**** mein daalo apna raise.

lmao, I've turned off notifications from literally every app except banking ones.
If you are afraid of losing out on important ones, there is feature atleast in Android to only turn off notification categories. Although this depends on app and sometimes they don't expose proper category names.
I used to do that but then I realised if it's important enough information there would be redundancy to it.
I've sometimes missed notification from swiggy where they ask you to edit cart because item is not available but it happens rarely(also they call you if you didn't respond to notification) and I'm ok with that because the alternative is getting these shitty notification daily. So inconvenient experience once a month is better than everyday Unfortunately app notifications are abused so much that eventually we will all turn if off similar to SMS

This was cool in 2018. Now it is just redundant and boring