I'm 22 and new to investing with zero previous financial knowledge. I have built a portfolio from some advive from YT and asking few friends. I would like some advice/suggestions/criticism
I have approx 1L that is left after reducing all monthly expenses. I've thought of keeping 5% as spare cash and use the rest for investing.
I've come up with a split:
FD/RD: ~14%
SGB: ~17%
MF: ~39% (~9% small cap index,15% flexi cap, 15% nifty index)
Direct stocks: ~15%
Crypto: ~10%
Thought Process:
I divided my portfolio into 3 parts based on goals/plans, part one was retirement/safety with minimal risks, part two was for moderate growth with controlled risks ,part three was for taking risks.
Each lf these parts were a seperate portfolio and I took the weighted average of these 3 to create my final one.
Idk what stocks or what crypto I'm going to invest in. I've assumed the stocks to be a little riskier than MF and yielding more possible returns and crypto to be basically a lottery(I'd put a thought/research in what I'm putting money into).