never understood why doctors would sign up with practo. Are those greedy bastards that desperate?
Just opening a clinic in a random neighborhood would bring them atleast 5k a day before the end of 2 weeks. How much more do they want?
Every company atleast to stick around with the happenings are doing layoffs, so practo might do it as well.
Wdym? Practo is much more than the website you see.
On a downward spiral.
Quite a large number of people were asked to resign gradually over the 3 weeks.
The impacted personnel include SEs,Some PMs, and EMs too.
Looks like a massive downsizing. Around 30 percent of the folks seem affected, but I'm not su...
People who argued over authenticity over other thread. Here is the confirmed report on layoff!
Paytm stock 🚀🚀🚀
Hey is there laying off happening at Infosys. Has anyone layed off or its just rumours