Yes. I was the first casualty of the day

Absolutely! One entire floor is booked by HR for firing. Already the process has started!

They should first layoff the incompetent overpaid toxic VPs and Product Heads. Especially RD.
People who argued over authenticity over other thread. Here is the confirmed report on layoff!
I heard it was because they automated their jobs with AI?
Lol. AI is the lamest excuse to lay off people
I think they are serious about it. It is quite possible to generate marketing campaigns and posters with AI. https://youtu.be/F_wFl7KoMH8
If layoff news is on Grapevine, chances are high it's real.
Take my startup to new heights. Then I will layoff you so I can reap benefits :)
They laid off ppl involved in sales, operations, marketing.
Any tech side person got laid off?
Yes. I was the first casualty of the day
Absolutely! One entire floor is booked by HR for firing. Already the process has started!
They should first layoff the incompetent overpaid toxic VPs and Product Heads. Especially RD.
Is there any one from Paytm , who can confirm if there’s a silent layoff happening there. I have an offer as SSE , but have heard from multiple people that work culture is detoriating very fast and almost 20% are undergoing PIP.
My friend was an early stage employee at Paytm. He stayed for 4+ years, built a lot of what Paytm is today. Workin...
Heard that Paytm is planning to layoff 10% of entire work force. Across all levels.
Heard cases that folks who were hired at market premium less than 30 days ago are now being asked to leave the organisation.
And the layoffs will be h...
Actually, these are not layoffs. They recently changed their PIP policy and set a " at least 10%" quota for compulsor...
Why? Is something seriously bad happening to the business? Or is it a layoff for layoffs sake?
Heard that on 29 may, list of laid off employee will be released... is that true? I have no strong source to confirm this tho