Remote jobs
Guys who are working in remote jobs how were you able to find them?
Guys who are working in remote jobs how were you able to find them?
Twitter, angellist (previously well found)
Man, wha pr jobs quality is not upto the mark
On twitter, my fiancé found remote job. Base 50 lpa, ctc 1.53 cr. So probably you are not reaching out to right people or may be your skills are apt for MNCs only not for new age startups.
LinkedIn. My org is hiring, not all positions are remote but some can be depending upon client & talent.
This might be for staff and above roles right?, plus I don't have that much preparation, I have gone through some interview experiences of Linkedin and observed that the interviews there actually are comparable or maybe slightly tougher to the likes of uber/google, it would require me straight 1-2 months of heavy preparation to even get prepared for tech interviews at LinkedIn. Respect for you man, It's definitely a hard place to get in, you have had surely put in a lot of hardwork.
Kind of you to reach out here in comments!