Average Salary for APM
What is the average salary for an APM with 1.5years APM experience and overall 2.5YOE. (Non MBA)
I've got 3.5YOE as a software engineer. what salary can I expect as an APM?
How did you switch from software engineering to product management??
I quickly learned it's not my thing and I'm not that good at it
I would like to transition to product manager as well, can you suggest me on how I can get into product management??
How do you get freelancing opportunities in product management.
I guess I just got lucky. They said we'll have you as a freelancer for couple of months. That turned into 6 months now
What is the average salary for an APM with 1.5years APM experience and overall 2.5YOE. (Non MBA)
I'm currently working as a Product Analyst with a CTC of 30 and base pay 17. I'm interviewing for APM roles and was wondering what I can quote as my expectation given my YOE is 0.5 years.
Hi guys, I have a year of experience as an APM, however, I feel my actual pay is way too low. Wanted to know what's the base salary an APM receives in the Fintech space.