Saw this post on reddit,couldn't see any legit advice .what do you guys think should be done?
These kind of clauses are not enforceable in court. Also, about the notice period, what would they do if you stop showing up to office one day? Come to your house and make you work?
Idk why people are so regarded, legit many people have some slave mentality
Here’s some legal advice (information) for anyone that needs it: slavery is fucking illegal
Just show up on time and leave on time as per the designated official office work hours; that’s it. Refuse to work a minute more (unless you want to). If they fire then let them fire, that’s on them; no company can sue you or claim money from you for being a bad employee
I've heard that they can mess up the background check done in the next company. Giving bad recommendation, or giving no experience letter etc.
Employment laws are pretty fucked and slow af in India afaik. His best chance is to pay the bond and resign and look out for jobs after the job market gets better or he could tank the 3 years and destroy his mental and physical health and exhaust himself