Seeing all of these 1Cr+ salaries is driving me insane
I’m honestly tired of scrolling through posts where people brag about making 90L+ a year. It feels like a slap in the face for those of us grinding away at regular jobs with regular pay. Are these salaries even real, or are we just being fed a bunch of lies? It’s frustrating to see so many people living in a fantasy world.

They are all true Source - trust tech bros

Bhai they are true ik the jokes and all but they are true.

Exactly, esop +rsu lighter than farts

Whining is what it is, OP. I started with 8Lpa and made it close to 25x of that in less than a decade.
Its possible. But are you willing to do the needful?

Staff at linkedin 💀

Bro is just flexing at this point

In tech, if you have more than seven years of experience at a product-based company, it is very easily possible to earn over 1 cr.

You don’t understand the point of this post, do you?

Can you give a fellow java enthusiast a referral brother?

Someone else's big salary should not make yours smaller. Peace.

Ik comparison is a their of joy

Most high earners which is 5% out of all tech guys have 90% presence on this platforms. Rest all is fine, you are doing fine..have comparision with self and it's not that rosy..after all taxes and all after certain point in hand doesn't not linearly grow with ctc

Me with 11LPA at 3 YOE