I will start:
- Having low hit rate with junior PMs than with leadership level folks (Dir & above)
Rant - these PM interviewers with fewer years than me and just 1 org haven't seen enough failures to learn humility or not trained to understand experiences and approach not like theirs.
- Accidently interviewed with a startup with product leader coming from service IT background - who didn't understand impact, outcome pointers in my resume and was asking if I had PRDs I have made in my personal laptop.
Rant - Jesus H Christ. This person thought I didnt understand tech, mocked me for making lofi wireframes in a case submission. Only interview where I told back to the person in their face and in email feedback later - seriously, I have no interest in working in a delivery IT team like theirs. Tata, goodbye and thanks for wasting my day.
- Product leader being critical that I'm only attracted by shiny projects and keep jumping because of my career break and short stints at startups (macro stuff, startup low hit rate at early stage reasons) - because they worked in a b2b org for 10 years and is in a new place to do the same.
Rant - this is after they were poaching me for my prior experience with 2 verticals of products they were trying to build out and me being cleared by their Director, senior PM and HRPB.
And have more, but over to you guys to share yours and red flags to lookout for.