Product Managers make no impact. Forget big. Instead they create a million more problems and create fraud companies through and through.
Since you are analyst, yes you are already a better value added than all the cheap PMs in top prod companies in India. Analysts also drive strategy. Look seriously into that role. Analytics is meant to aid business decisions. So a good chunk of them grow to be exceptional management consultants... That's a serious track as well
Product Management job description is good. But 2 things both the existing breed of PMs don't do 1% of that job description. Worse they are very pathetic and don't even qualify for that job.
At best PM's are engineering's Bitch. We certainly keep them around so that business folk don't trouble us directly, and if thy need a punching bag we throw out worst candidate under the bus for them... The PMs.
All in all your aspirations are not wrong, however in reality product managers are the least respected part in a product company. It's dead opposite to your ambitions sadly.
Even I wanted to be a PM first, but then fuck me looking at the quality of the existing breed and how they are treated in the org, they are way too bad sadly.
Choose. I feel if a strong tech person becomes a PM he can certainly make a big difference.. But the problem is if an existing PM hires you, or an existing org hires you as a PM you are hired only to do cheap work remember that.
Maybe in a early stage startup you might get ur due of good work.. but I seriously doubt in the existing orgs you will do any good