
[Startup Idea Validation] Hiring Tech

I know hiring tech is nothing new, but still many issues persist.

We are planning to build a platform which will focus on solving many issues with the current interview system in an innovative/futuristic manner.

We'll utilise AI/LLM based solutions wherever possible, although the focus is on solving the core problem.

Mostly it will be a B2B SaSS type, focusing on hiring designers/developers etc.

What are the various issues you have faced during your interview process which you feel should have been solved by now? doesn't matter how big/small it is, if it has bothered you ever, please comment about it.

6mo ago
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Alignment issue during various rounds of interview


explain please


Any "decent" "AI" solution would require a lot of data. This has been tried by a few orgs for things like resume screening, but it has not really met expectations in outcomes.

Last thing I would want as an interviewee is to be recorded, and then analysed by some AI!


we'll try to solve those issues as well


@BiryaniEnthu @salt @Micheal_Scott @AlphaGrindset @Elon_Musk @FunnyBones @potatomato need your inputs here 🙏


Check geektrust founder's LinkedIn. I think they just launched an AI based interview agent.


In a JD, there are few must have requirements (non negotiable) and some good to have. Too many candidates which do not qualify in basics too apply.

Eg - I was hiring for Content Writers and got applications from air hostess too.

Also, if you can judge cultural fit it would be very easy for orgs (don't know how that can be solved)

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