Suggestion to get into ML and Gen Ai
YOE - 5 Profile - business Analyst, good with SQL, average with python and ML concept, but worked on python and ML in my previous company. Requesting advice to get into machine learning or gen ai profile. Courses or anything else that would help. I understand it's a 6 months to one year journey.... Anyone who has transitioned recently kindly help. Reason to move - better opportunities and jobs moving towards Gen Ai.
Start Statquest on YT . Watch every single playlist. Sorts out 60 pct of work. Code everything from scratch in python , another 20 pct , then create a great project in a domain you love with complete ML lifecycle (Data Gathering, Cleaning , Transformation, Training, Validation, Deployment) another 10 pct. Continue learning about the latest developments and trying out new things , the thing to understand is you will never be able to complete the last 10 pct because how fast things are changing, just adapt and keep on improving.
Thank you
Work on linear algebra, calculus , read research papers, build some projects, blog a bit and you should get a good role. This will take time but you would be able to crack interesting roles otherwise there are high chances that you get stuck in sake of AI roles
Thank you