
Taxes amongst service and business classes

The number of Indians paying income tax is very low primarily due to lack of tax regulations in the business sector and how easy it is for a local shop, a services business or manufacturers to hide revenue and save on tax.

As a fellow tax payer, why are we in the service class not willing to turn to a freelancing services model to hide our incomes instead of paying taxes at the source? Or is this not possible in the nature of our services?

8mo ago
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I am assuming you are in tech

If you do freelancing, money will be deposited in you account, you will still need to pay tax,
Tax on crypto is crazy too, if you are thinking about payment in crypto

In short its not at all easy to hide money if transactions are onlineπŸ’€, unless you want to go all the way to open a company, and create some fake employees to avoid taxes, too much hassle

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