
Technical Product Manager Interview Questions

Please post interview questions for a TPM role that either you were asked as an interviewee or you ask as an interviewer.

12mo ago

As a TPM, questions are primarily on the domain you are entering and implementation processes. You would work closely with the internal engineering teams, so they would want to understand how well you understand processes and prioritise items. I have seen some companies have writing assignments as well. Behavioural questions like "Tell me about a time when you..." will be there.


Thanks this helps. I am prepping for these topics:

  1. Estimation
  2. Favorite product
  3. Improve a product
  4. Root cause analysis/"XYZ metric fell by n%. How will you go about it?"
  5. System design
  6. Miscellaneous questions like - Explain how the internet works etc.
  7. REST APIs (since I work on this currently)

Do you think I'm missing anything?


Yup. It would. If you're a PM already, what's the process like and where do you come in. Agile? How do you interact with engineering team. Any conflicts and how did you resolve? How do you prioritise items like between customer requested issues vs engineering backlog or tech debt items.


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